Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello, and welcome to Susan and Rob's wedding blog.  We will be making updates here as things progress, so there will be a central location for any information you might want to know.

As of right now we do not officially have a date, location, caterer, officiant, florist, photographer, etc.

But, we do have a wedding planner, the illustrious Rachelle Beckerman, who is telling us to figure out all of this stuff.  Soon.  

We instead, made a blog, and started vauge rumors about Columbus Day Weekend, 2009.   

Hope to be updating this soon, with actual information.



  1. I love you guys, seriously. I snorted when I saw the web address posted in Susan's LJ!

  2. vague rumors of Columbus Day Weekend- i think i've seen stuff written on bathroom walls about that one- plus that one owes me money.
